Look for Signs of Rodents Before Making an Offer on a Home

Ridding a house of rodents is often more involved than setting a few mouse traps or putting out some rat bait. Often, a rodent infestation can cause substantial damage before you're able to eradicate the pests, and you'll spend thousands on exterminator services in the process. So, if you're looking for a new home, it's important to be on the lookout for signs of a rodent infestation. If you notice any of these signs, walk away from the home as it's likely the residence of mice, rats, or similar pests.

Stale, stagnant odors in hidden spaces.

When looking at a home, be sure to open up crawlspaces, the attic, and any other hidden nooks. This is often where pests hide. The homeowner may have cleaned up feces, but it's hard to get rid of the stale, stagnant odor left behind by rats and mice. If the crawlspaces and other areas have such an odor, question the homeowner or their realtor. They may admit, at this point, that the home has had some problems with infestation.

Chewed or torn insulation.

When you visit the attic, also pay close attention to the condition of the insulation. If you notice that it's torn or that there are little piles of shredded insulation in the corner, this means that rodents have been nesting in it. You may find feces -- another sure sign of rodents -- if you push some of the insulation to the side or lift it up.

Presence of traps or poison.

Often, homeowners battling an infestation will clean up things like rat traps and poison before a prospective buyer comes to see a home. However, they may miss one or two in less-traveled areas like the basement or attic. If you see one of these traps or pots of poison, ask about it. There is a chance they had one or two mice appear a while back and the traps are left over. However, it's also possible they have a more serious, ongoing problem.

Chewed food boxes.

If the homeowners are still living in the home, ask if they can let you see the insides of the cabinets. They'll just assume you want to see how deep the cabinets are and what they look like inside, but you will actually be assessing the area for rodents. If you see any chew marks on the corner of boxes or feces in the bottoms of the cupboards, these are signs you should move on to the next home.

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